Your organization’s Single Sign On (SSO) has integrated with Enhesa. You can now login to your Enhesa by using your company email address in the login page which will direct you to your organization’s authenticator. In SSO mode, the authentication is done on the customer's authentication server side. If the user needs to change the password or is blocked because of wrong password attempts, the person needs to contact his/her IT department to solve this.
Please find the steps below:
1. Please visit:
This will direct you to Enhesa’s User Account Login page.
You can also login at by clicking “Client log-in” in the top right corner.
2. Please enter your email address in the login field. This will direct you to your organization's single sign on page.
Please ensure the reCAPTCHA icon is visible on your browser so that login is successful. If it is not present, follow steps here. Login Issue: ReCaptcha
An account will automatically be created and you can login.
If you are using a subsidiary domain name/email address, single sign on may not be available, in which case please follow the steps here: User Registration
If you have any questions, please reach out to