Enhesa has made a few updates to our security to ensure the protection of your Enhesa services. This update introduced a reCAPTCHA authentication service added to your login page to protect our services from “bots” and other malicious software.
In the case that reCaptcha service is blocked by an Organization Firewall/Proxy server settings/ISP (internet service provider), please contact your IT department to check these settings. It is highly probable that regional policies may have blocked Google reCaptcha service to load. We are using which is available in all the regions around the world.
When you go to website on login/forgot password or change password page, you should see reCAPTCHA loaded on bottom on the page as highlighted.
If you see the reCAPTCHA logo is NOT loaded on bottom left, your login request will not be processed and you will not be able to login into the Enhesa EHS Platform.
Root Cause of Not Loading reCAPTCHA
There are high chances that your network infrastructure configuration is blocking the reCAPTCHA process for various possible reasons.
Troubleshooting Guide
1. reCAPTCHA scripts are blocked by Organization Firewall / Proxy server settings / ISP (internet service provider)
- Please contact your IT department to check these settings. There are high chances that regional policies may have blocked Google reCAPTCHA service to load. We are using the Google Service, which is available in all the regions around the world.
- Please make sure that this web site ( is accessible (not blocked) from within your organization’s network infrastructure (check with your IT Dept).
- If the user sees below page, it's OK, if he/she doesn't, access to Enhesa portal site won't be possible. Please contact your IT department for support.
2. Page is Cached
If you're still blocked after the previous setting has been updated within your Corporate Network Infrastructure, it is possible that the browser is always loading a cached page.
- Solution: Go to login page and press Ctrl + F5 to conduct a hard reload of the page again.
- If you see reCAPTCHA logo on bottom right of the page, the issue should be fixed now.