The Enhesa Corporate Dashboard is a web-based tool which provides an at-a-glance overview of which sites have done their self-assessment and which sites may cause concern.
To get started, click the "Corporate Dashboard" link under the Compliance Intelligence Service.
This tool is individual access based, so if you are unable to see this tool please reach out to the Point of Contact on your home page to request this access.
The Corporate Dashboard allows teams to assess the applicability and their compliance based on the regulatory requirements of a specific jurisdiction. Using the jurisdiction regulations, Enhesa regulatory experts have extracted relevant EHS regulatory requirements for facilities to review.
Using the Corporate Dashboard, a company can see the progress of each sites' self assessments and their progress. Using the Corporate Dashboard, teams can review their findings of non compliance and identify any "problem sites" that need support.
The Corporate Dashboard has unique features to allow users an efficient process and user friendly interface while performing their self-assessment.
6. Navigation Panel of Corporate Dashboard:
After your initial Facility Set Up, you will have navigation buttons to direct you to different features of the Corporate Dashboard:
1. Screening Questions
During an initial self assessment, Enhesa has put in place two layers of screening to assist users in filtering those requirements that do not apply based on facility processes and procedures.
The first screening sheet is called the Audit Scope Screening which is a series of YES/NO questions related to the 10 thematic headings Enhesa covers.
The second screening sheet, the Applicability Screening, is related to the jurisdiction of the facility. Because the Applicability Screening is based on the jurisdiction, our Regulatory Analysts have written extensive guidance (Guide Notes) for each Applicability Screening Question (indicated in the graphic below).
Both screening sheets allow the user to answer whether a question is related to the facility or not. If the question is not relevant, any subsequent requirements related to the topic in question, would be determined to be Not Applicable. Screening Questions Explained.
The Screening Questions are a feature to help users filter irrelevant requirements in an efficient fashion.
Please note that the screening questions will not mark any requirements as "Applicable" and will only assist in screening items that do not apply.
2. Facility Dashboard
This view allows a user to see requirements broken down by thematic heading and determination status (applicable, compliance) however it is still an overview. In this view, a user can see which thematic heading may still have items for review or may have findings of non-compliance. By clicking any number on the facility dashboard table, a user will be taken to those requirements represented by that number.
3. Compliance Intelligence
By clicking any of the numbers on the Facility Dashboard, a user will be taken to the Compliance Intelligence page, which is the list of requirements related to the jurisdiction of the facility. The list of requirements will be filtered based on the status you have chosen. In the example above, I have chosen to see the list of requirements under Review related to Water Management.
The list of requirements will have the following features:
- Related Thematic Heading
- Requirement itself
- Requirement Code, Related Scope, Related Jurisdiction
- Applicability and Compliance Determination
- Additional Details that provide further guidance and regulatory citation
- Previous Actions made on this requirement
- Change Notes of requirement by Regulatory Analysts
See also: The "Filters" Feature on Compliance Dashboard
Users also have the ability to add comments to each requirement. These comments can be explanations of findings or decisions, or they can provide links to other file-sharing sites that may be used internally to provide evidence of compliance (see below).
To view all previous comments, click on the Previous Actions link at the bottom of the dialog box.
4. Legal Register
Within each Facility Assessment, users are able to build out a Legal Register. This feature is found in the top right hand corner. The legal register is made up of a list of regulations for the jurisdiction and a user can review a summary as well as the direct text for each regulation.
The Legal Register is broken down into two types of regulations: Informative vs. Active. Informative regulations do not have direct requirements and allow users to choose whether they apply to the facility. Active regulations will be determined based on how a user answers the requirements related to the regulation.
5. Enhesa Corporate Dashboard Updates
- You can view new requirements by checking the "Review" and "Undetermined“ sections.
- Updated or changed requirements will be available in the “Major Updates” section for re-validation. (This applies only to those requirements with which you have already interacted/made an applicability or compliance determination).
Enhesa recommends logging into your portal monthly to review these updates and be aware of all changes occurring in your jurisdiction.
Please Note that any items repealed will be removed without any notification.
7. Other Features
- Language Display: If you want to change the language shown in the system, please click right top corner. Then select the language you wish to view the content.
- Uploading ScoreCards: You can also upload your Scorecard findings by clicking the "Upload ScoreCard". See instructions here: Uploading a Scorecard into the Compliance Dashboard
- Corporate Dashboard Access Rights: Enhesa allows for 2 different kinds of user rights when accessing the Corporate Dashboard.
- Full access: You can read and edit the answer.
- Read only access: You can read, but you cannot edit the answer. Downloading the facility's data is possible.
- If you want to make updates to your access rights, please contact your Person of Contact (listed on home page on the right-hand side).