If you have been presented with the error message displayed above, then please follow the steps listed below to sync your PC to your local time.
Local time
Please use https://www.timeanddate.com/ to confirm your computer is synced to local time.
Enhesa is a secure service that requires a security token that is synced to your local PC time. This a core feature on standard security practices in order to ensure the protection of your information. Even if your PC is a minute off you will need to re sync your clock.
Method 1:
- Click on clock and select “Change date and time settings”.
- Click on the “Internet Time” tab.
- Check if it is set to “synchronize the time with time.windows.com”
- If the option is selected, click on change settings to check the option “Synchronize with an Internet Time server”
- Click on OK.
Method 2:
- Press Windows key + r and type services.msc and press enter.
- Within the Services (Local) pane, scroll until you find Windows Time. Please right click and select Properties to check the status of the service.
- Restart the Windows Time service.
- Click on OK.
- Restart your computer
Method 3:
For Users using a VPN, please reconnect to your VPN in order to recalibrate your PC clock to local time. The connection to your VPN will allow your PC to sync to your local domain server time.
Method 4:
If you are still unable to sync your PC to the local time then please reach out to your IT department for support.