The Legal Foundations tool provides a user a list of regulations within Enhesa's Environment Health and Safety scope that are in force within a specific jurisdiction, and include statutes, acts, orders, decrees, etc.
The purpose of the Foundations is to compile a database of legislation relevant to assess/ensure compliance. It enables the source-checking of the requirements in compliance intelligence, as each requirement must be linked to the regulation(s) establishing that particular requirement.
The Legal Foundations can be found on your Enhesa website under the “Legal Foundations” tab. Here, the client can click on a Foundation name to view further information.
Use the steps below to walk to through how to best use the Enhesa Legal Foundations:
1. Login, and if you would like to change your language you can do so in the top right corner (English will be default)
2. Under the "Legal Foundations" service, please click "List of Foundations".
3. Once in the tool, you will receive a list of Regulations related to your contracted services which you can filter by Jurisdiction and Topic and Search by Key Word.
4. Using the Filters, then select your interested Jurisdictions, Topics, and Categories, and click "Apply", step by step guide:
(1) Select the filter you would like to review: Jurisdiction, Topic, Category, or Implementation Sate which will provide you a drop down menu.
(2) Select Jurisdictions/Topics/Categories/Implementation Dates of Interest (tick the checkbox next to the main Topic/Jurisdiction to select all subtopics/sub-jurisdictions).
(3) Click “Apply". This will allow you to filter your regulations by specific topics and jurisdictions as well as review regulations with Implementations in a specific time period.
(4) Optional: Using the "All Filters" feature will provide you a side panel view of all filters to apply.
(5) Choose “Reset” button to reset the filters
4. Search for your interested laws/regulations by keywords. Search function with exact phrase can be done by using "" (double quotes) . You can then read the regulation details by clicking their title.
5. To review the Regulation details please follow steps outlined in this article: Legal Foundations: Information Provided for a Regulation